Official Plans & Zoning By-Laws
The province of Ontario has a policy-led planning system. The Provincial Policy Statement, complemented by various Provincial Plans, along with municipal official plans, provide a framework for long term planning and development in the province. This policy framework is implemented through a wide range of land use control instruments, including zoning by-laws.
Frequently, the achievement of land development projects requires amendments to municipal official plans and/or zoning by-laws. Success in achieving the necessary amendments requires a thorough understanding of the provincial planning framework and practical experience.
Our objective for our private sector clients is to develop solutions to the issues raised in the approvals process which are acceptable to our clients from a business perspective, while at the same time addressing the concerns of municipalities and other approval authorities in an effective manner.
It is our philosophy that early identification of all necessary approvals will minimize duplication of process and will avoid unnecessary delays.
Where appropriate, we are able to identify a multi-disciplinary team of experts with appropriate skills and to work with these experts to develop and implement an effective strategy for obtaining the necessary approvals.